Automatic signing of Prescriptions

The automatic signing of Prescriptions is allowed in Quebec.  I have installed the change at a clinic and we have gotten a minor amount of push-pack from some pharmacists.

The solution was an ink stamp with the clinic name.  Unfortunately, this does not work if faxing the Rx, but is fine if the patient is taking it with them.

The modification also adds the following small print to the Rx:

Certification du prescripteur / Prescriber's certification</br>
Je certife que:  cette ordonnance est une ordonnance originale; le pharmacien pr&eacute;cit&eacute; est le seul destinaire; l'original ne sera pas r&eacute;utilis&eacute;.</br>
I certify that: this prescription is an original; the listed pharmacist is the only destination; the original will not be reused.

1) Make sure license# is entered in Provider.CPSID# field

2) Need to change the following program (make a backup first):
cd /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/Oscar12_1/oscarRx
sudo cp Preview2.jsp Preview2-20130427.jsp
sudo nano /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/Oscar12_1/oscarRx/Preview2.jsp

3) Create .gif file with signature.
Copy into the following folder:
sudo chown tomcat6:tomcat6 prov-*
Note: license# is the provider license number.

As soon as the Rx is saved, the signature is filled in.  The usual signature box can be used to override the signature.