Old notices

2013: The Montreal Oscar User Group meets every month on the 3rd Thursday.
More details at: http://oscar-quebec.com/?p=59

Nov 7-9, 2013: FMF Conference in Vancouver, BC


Oscar at Queens wins an award from the Association of Family Health Teams.
Award Winner – Queen’s Family Health Team

August 2013 Article in Can. Fam. Physician


Nov 16,12: The Annual Family Medicine Forum will be held in Toronto. The OscarCanada User Society – Annual General Meeting will be held on November 16, immediately following lunch. Come to the conference, visit the Oscar McMaster booth in the Vendor Hall. The FMF registration page is http://cfpcwp.com/fmfreg/

Sep 20,12: Montreal Oscar User Group meeting. This is an open meeting for all people interested in or using Oscar. Please RSVP, as we will be providing a lunch. When you RSVP, I will give you the secret location. My cell is (514) 891-3275

Sep 13,2012 – McMaster gets $5.8 million to improve electronic health records

Sep 6,12: Oscar Version 12.1 build 19 is out in .deb format.

Jul 4,12: Oscar v12 is out. v12.1 should be released at the end of July. I’m looking forward to some of the new faxing features.

May 4,12: The B.C. User Group is underway. Lots of useful information.

Feb 4,11: The ISO certification that was required by the government has now been cancelled.

Feb 4,11: Oscar across Canada. I’m collecting links now, so hopefully the map will be populated soon.

View Oscar Sites in a larger map

A new group is working on Oscar development in Quebec City. Hopefully this means that RAMQ billing will be a step closer.

The 2011 FMF (Family Medicine Forum) will be held next November 2nd to 5th in Montreal. http://fmf.cfpc.ca/English/index.html