Creating new Users, logins and assigning Roles

The procedure to add new users requires 3 steps.  I have written some notes to ensure that there are no problems.

Menu: Admin, Provider

Use Search/Edit/Delete Provider Records to find a free provider number.

Note: for providers that will appear on the appointment screen, the order of appearance will be the order of their alphabetic provider code.  ( 1000, 111, 1200, 15 )

1) Add Provider
Need provider number, first name, last name

Role: Doctor or Receptionist.  If you want the provider to be able to view the patient records, then set the role to Doctor.

2) Menu: Admin, Security, Add a Login Record
need loginname, Password, PIN
eg. Student1 , Student01 , 0124

loginname: I usually use the lastname and an initial for the loginname.  This makes it much easier to find a login later, if you need to reset the password or delete the loginname.

Password: It must be a mix of Uppercase, lowercase and numbers.  I typically use something like LastF1234, where Last is part of their lastname, F is the first letter of their firstname and 1234 is their favorite 4 digit number.  I use the same 4 digit number for their PIN.

Make sure you match the login record to the correct Provider number.
Expiry Date: check and select a date about 2 yrs (or less) in the future.

3) Menu: Admin, Security, Assign Role to Provider
Select role depending on their job description, then click on ‘Add’.


More notes on roles coming soon…